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CITEL Plenary Session

Michael J. Lynch

World Radio Conference 2007

CITEL Working Group
CITEL Meeting

What can we do for your Company?

Development of a corporate spectrum and telecom regulatory strategy

Knowing what is needed to support product plans or business operations is our expertise.

We provide assessment services as well as overall strategies and solutions.


Implementation of a corporate spectrum and telecom regulatory strategy.

Establish the framework and process for success.

Analysis of the business case impact of proposed changes to spectrum or telecom regulation.

National and International changes.

Participate in the development of proposed regulatory changes and their presentation to the regulator.

Results that enable the client’s business case.

Provide support in presenting the proposals to the regulator.

Representation in the international regulatory process to represent our client's views.CEPT Logo

MJ Lynch and Associates are prepared to represent your Company or Organization.


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